Saturday, May 30, 2009

Understanding Your Child's Behavior

From time to time when I find a good article I will reference it here. Because I am concerned about honesty and plagiarism, I will not copy the entire article, I will only reference it (with a link) and provide the first paragraph so you can decide if it is something you want to read. Please come back here to discuss and add questions.

Here is the first one. It is really a pretty good article.
Understanding Your Child's Behavior

Posted by: Rosemary Plybon Created: 5/18/2009 8:18:50 AM Updated: 5/19/2009 7:52:27 AM
Greensboro, NC -- We know that child behavior is best understood as an interaction between the child and the environment. Some children do well in particular surroundings, while other children need different supports in order to manage their behavior. Also, children of different ages are able to manage their behavior in different ways.

1 comment:

kataraleo said...

Nice sharing well ! Most of the kids are entrapped by the major Child Behaviour Problems like abnormal behavior, negative attitude, children behavior disorders which are regarded as to be harmful for their growth and development.